Wednesday, 05 February 2025

Dean's biography



Ayman M. Noreddin Ph.D.



Ahram Canadian University

Faculty of Pharmacy

6 October City, Egypt

E-mail: [email protected]

Cell: +201126692707






  • Extended academic background and experience in education

  • Strong leadership capability and proficiency with multiple deliverables

  • Proven track record of programs development, assessment, accreditation and implementation

  • Vigorous commitment and belief in advancing education, research, and professional development.

  • Vast experience in international academic collaboration, promotion and exposure




2022- Present Vice President for Research & International Relations and Dean of Pharmacy,

Ahram Canadian University

2021- 2022 Professor and Founding Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy, Galala University


2019- Present Academic Leader-International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)/East

Mediterranean Regional Office (EMRO)/PHARM

  • Promoted global pharmacy education

  • Supported FIP educational and professional initiatives


2018- 2021 Director of the “Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance”

Research Group, Sharjah Institute of Medical and Health Research

(SIMHR), University of Sharjah

  • Multiple group projects and grants

  • Multiple publications by group members


2017- 2021 Professor and Dean, College of Pharmacy, University of Sharjah

  • Secured successful re-accreditation of the BSc. program

  • Obtained successful accreditation of the MSc. program

  • Established and completed accreditation application of the PharmD program

  • Introduced Professional Diplomas

  • Introduced ACPE International Certification

  • Introduced novel Teaching and Learning Technology-Based Modules

  • Promoted Students’ Extracurricular Engagement and Community Service


2016- Present Adjunct Research Professor, University of California-Irvine, School of

Medicine, CA, USA


2014-2017 Professor and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs

School of Pharmacy, Chapman University, CA, USA

  • Participated in the establishment of the PharmD program

  • Developed and managed the “Digital Examination Implementation Monitoring Program”

  • Developed the Faculty Development program

  • Developed the Faculty Mentoring program


2011- 2018 Graduate Faculty, Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program, Eastern Virginia

Medical School, VA, USA


2009- 2014 Professor and Chairperson, Department of Pharmacy Practice,

School of Pharmacy, Hampton University, VA, USA

  • Developed a strategic plan to improve the department’s endeavor in teaching, research, and service

  • Lead the Department of Pharmacy Practice to achieve the following specific strategic goals within the school of pharmacy:

  1. Successful ACPE accreditation

  2. Increased scholarly activity and research focus

  3. Innovation in teaching

  4. Community engagement (faculty and students’ involvement)

  5. Early Research Experience for Pharmacy Students

  6. Established the “Medication Therapy Management and Outcome Research Center”


2008 Fellow-Academic Leadership Program, the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)

  • The leadership-training program covered the following aspects:

  • Personal and interpersonal competencies for leadership

  • Practical management responsibilities and administrative competencies of an academic pharmacy administrator

  • Leadership in the external arena of advocacy and the profession


2005-2009 Graduate Faculty, Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology,

College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota, MN, USA

  • Participated in the strategic planning and graduate admissions

  • Participated in graduate courses, seminars, and directed studies

  • Supervised graduate student


2005-2009 Senior Clinical Scientist, Division of Education and Research,

St. Mary’s Duluth Clinic - Health System

  • Participated in the clinical research program management

  • Reviewed and refereed grant proposals


2004-2009 Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy (Duluth), University of Minnesota, MN, USA

  • Nominated as the Teacher of the Year (2008)

  • Participated in several didactic lectures, experiential instructions, along with

advising, training and mentoring activities

  • Developed an active and well-funded translational research program in the field of

Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) modeling of anti-infective/anti-

neoplastic therapy, clinical simulation analysis, and bacterial resistance studies

  • Supervised graduate students and post-doctorate fellows

  • Participated in several strategic planning activities, task forces and committee service


2001-2004 Director, Clinical Pharmacology Research, Manitoba Antibiotic Research

Laboratory, Department of Medical Microbiology/Infectious Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba

  • Supervised and directed research activities in the field of PK/PD modeling, clinical

simulation and bacterial resistance studies.

  • Conducted advanced PK, Population PK, and Monte Carlo Simulation analysis


2002-2004American College of Clinical Pharmacy/Aventis Pharmacotherapy, Research Fellowship (Infectious Diseases), Research Institute of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy


Primary research project:“Study of Fluoroquinolones Resistance in Clinical Isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae: Molecular and Pharmacodynamic Approach”

  • Taught in Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Manitoba

  • Taught Clinical Pharmacy and Elective courses to 3rd and 4thyear pharmacy students)

  • Participated in infectious diseases consultation rounds.


2002-2004 Faculty Member, Department of Continuing Medical Education,

Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba

  • Organized and provided Teaching Improvement Programs (TIPs) for faculty

Members and medical staff

  • Organized medical education programs and workshops at the Faculty of Medicine.


2000-2001 Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Research Fellowship (Infectious Diseases),

Department of Medical Microbiology/Infectious Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, University

of Manitoba

  • Conducted, research in the field of PK/PD modeling, clinical simulation analysis and bacterial resistance studies.

  • Taught in Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Manitoba

  • Participated in infectious diseases consultation rounds


1991-2000 Assistant/Associate Professor of Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, King Saud University

  • Taught didactic and graduate clinical pharmacy courses

  • Supervised clinical rotations for B.Sc. as well as M.Sc. (clinical pharmacy) students

  • Directed clinical pharmacy practice service (Infectious Diseases) at King Khalid

University Hospital

  • Conducted clinical pharmacy research and supervised M.Sc. (clinical pharmacy)

Research projects

  • Participated in different committees at the College of Pharmacy


1991-2000 Assistant/Associate Professor of Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, King Saud University

  • Taught didactic and graduate clinical pharmacy courses

  • Supervised clinical rotations for B.Sc. as well as M.Sc. (clinical pharmacy) students

  • Directed clinical pharmacy practice service (Infectious Diseases) at King Khalid

University Hospital

  • Conducted clinical pharmacy research and supervised M.Sc. (clinical pharmacy)

Research projects

  • Participated in different committees at the College of Pharmacy





American College of Clinical Pharmacy/Aventis Pharmacotherapy, Research Fellowship (Infectious Diseases), Research Institute of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, 2004


Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Research Fellowship (Infectious Diseases), Department of Medical Microbiology/Infectious Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba, 2002


Visiting Scholar, Department of Medicine/Oncology, Stanford University, Faculty of Medicine, Palo Alto, California, USA. 1987-1991

Molecular Biology, tissue culture and gene expression studies


Ph.D. Pharmaceutical Sciences (Clinical Pharmacy), the University of the Pacific and Stanford University, California, USA, 1991

Thesis: (Phase I study of toxicity, tolerance and certain metabolic effects of rTNF administered

as a continuous infusion to Patients with Solid Tumor)


Visiting Scholar, Department of Medicine/Atherosclerosis Research Unit

Faculty of Medicine, Miami University, Miami, FL, USA, 1984-1985

Lipoprotein fractionation, lipid and protein analysis


MS. [Pharmaceutical Sciences (biochemistry)], Cairo University, College of Pharmacy, Cairo, Egypt, April 1984

Thesis: (Effect of gamma irradiation on the chemical structure, biological activity and certain

metabolic effects of contraceptive hormones in rats)


BSc. Pharmaceutical Sciences, Cairo University, School of Pharmacy, Cairo, Egypt,

May 1976




Pharmacy license No: 43354






August 2019 Diabetes Care Certificate, Training of Trainer Certificate,

American Pharmacy Association, VA


September 2019 Cardiovascular Diseases Care, Training of the Trainer Certificate


October 2016 Medication Therapy Management Certificate(MTM), American Pharmacy Association, VA


May 2015 Point of Care Certificate, American Pharmacy Association, VA



April 2014 Quality Service Training program (Connections), Hampton University, VA


September 2013 Strategic Academic Leadership Training (SALT), Hampton University, VA


November 2012 12th Annual Executive Leadership Summit, Hampton University, VA


September 2012 Strategic Academic Leadership Training (SALT), Hampton University, VA


October 2011 Grant Writing workshop, Hampton University Skin of Color Research Institute, VA


September 2011 Strategic Academic Leadership Training (SALT), Hampton University, VA


March 2011 Leadership Development Training, Hampton University, VA


December 2010 Funding Opportunities Research workshop, Hampton University, VA


October 2010 ACPE’s Site-Team Evaluator Training workshop, Accreditation Council

for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), Chicago, IL


September 2010 Strategic Academic Leadership Training (SALT), Hampton University, VA


September 2010 Faculty Institutional Retreat, Hampton University, VA


August 2010 Administrative Retreat “Enhancing the University Landscape: Planting

Seeds… Growing Even Greater reputation”, Hampton University, VA


November 2009 “Writing a Successful Grant for the National Institute of Health”,

Faculty Development Workshop, Hampton University, VA


October 2009 Strategic Academic Leadership Training (SALT), Hampton

University, VA


August- 2009 Faculty Institutional Retreat, Hampton University, VA


August-2009 Faculty Development Workshop, Hampton University, VA


June -2009 New Developments in Hollow Fiber Cell Culture, FiberCell Systems Inc


March- 2009 More In Vivo-Like Cell Cultures, Corning Inc


February-2008 Write Winning Grants, University of Minnesota, MN 2008


April-2007 RefWorks training seminar, University of Minnesota, MN 2007


April 2006 Grant Writers’ Seminar, University of Minnesota, MN, 2006


October -2005 Basic training for new clinical faculty and professors, American College

Of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) Annual Meeting, SF, 2005


October- 2005 Cost-effectiveness analysis, Healthcare standard training, TreeAge Software Inc. SF, 2005


September- 2004 Microdialysis: Basics and Principles workshop. World Conference on Dosing of Anti-infective (WCDA), Nurnberg, Germany. 2004


October- 2004 TheLeadership Experience. American College of Clinical Pharmacy

ACCP) Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, 2004


March- 2003Advanced Clinical Pharmacokinetic Hands-on Training using

Winnonlin Program, Pharsight Corporation, Mountain Views, CA


October -2002 Population Pharmacokinetic/ Pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) Modeling,

On-site training at the Laboratory of Applied Pharmacokinetics, USC, School of Medicine, LA, CA


October- 2002 New Unified Parametric and Nonparametric Approach to Population

PK/PD Modeling-Application to therapeutic Drug Monitoring and to

Optimal Individualization of Drug therapy, hands-on workshop by the

Laboratory of Applied Pharmacokinetics, USC, School of Medicine, LA, CA


September- 2002 Advanced Risk analysis, advanced course using Crystal Ball Pro software.

Decioneering Inc., San Diego, CA


July- 2002 Risk Analysis, Decision Analysis, and Monte Carlo Simulation,

Introduction and advanced Courses using Crystal Ball Software Decioneering Inc., Minneapolis, MN


March 2002 Microdialysis as a Gateway to New Knowledge, workshop during the

ACCP Practice and Research Forum. Savannah, Georgia.


December -2001Teaching Improvement Program (TIPs), One-week hands-on workshop,

Department of Continuing Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba


September- 2001 Bacterial Resistance: Mechanisms, Detection, Pharmacology, and

Molecular Epidemiology, workshop during the ICCAC meeting, Chicago, IL


November-2000 Model-Based, Goal-Oriented Optimal Individualized Drug Therapy:

Relationship to Parametric and Nonparametric Population PK/PD Modeling, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, and Multiple Dosage

Design, hands-on workshop by the USC Laboratory of Applied

Pharmacokinetics, USC, School of Medicine, LA, CA


March-2000 Parametric and Nonparametric Population PK and PD Modeling:

Application to Multiple Model Dosage Design and Optimal Sequential

Bayesian Feedback for Optimal Patient Care, hands-on workshop by

The USC Laboratory of Applied Pharmacokinetics, School of Medicine, LA, CA


    1. Molecular Biology techniques including r DNA, RNA, tissue culture

and gene expression studies, Frank Torte M.D. Research Lab., Faculty of Medicine, Stanford University, CA



    1. Lipoprotein fractionation, lipid and protein analysis, Atherosclerosis

Research Lab, Faculty of Medicine, Miami University, Miami, FL





  • Member of the Arab Scientific Board 2020.

  • Nominated Global Academic Leader, WHO-EMRO PHARM, International Pharmacy Federation (FIP) 2019

  • Nominated member at the “Emirates Council of Scientists”, UAE, March 2018

  • Reviewer for the National Institute of Health (NIH), special session: “Drug Discovery and

Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Resistance”, February 2017

  • Invited speaker at the1st ACU International Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences

On New Trends in Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, Giza, Egypt, May 2016

  • Invited speaker at the Faculty of Pharmacy, UNICAPM University, Campinas, Brazil, August 2016

  • Key Note Speaker at the 3rdInternational Conference on Clinical Pharmacy, Atlanta, Ca,

December 2015

  • Invited speaker at the 3rd FUE International Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Cairo, Egypt, Feb, 2005

  • Reviewer for the National Institute of Health (NIH), special session: “Drug Discovery and

  • Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Resistance (DDR)”, June 2015

  • Reviewer for the National Institute of Health (NIH), special session:” Pharmacological

  • Approached to Evaluating Drug Regimens to Address Antimicrobial Resistance”, January 2014

  • Member of the Organizing Committee, Plenary Speaker, International Summit on Clinical

Pharmacy and Dispensing, San Antonio, TX, 2013

  • Member of Organizing Committee, Keynote Speaker and Chair, International Congress on

Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases, Baltimore, 2013

  • Co-Chair, Infectious Diseases Session, International Conference on Clinical Microbiology

and Microbial Genomics, San Antonio, TX, 2012

  • Session Chair, Clinical Trial-Part II, TM’s 2nd World Drug Discovery online conference,

  • Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Tumor Therapy, 2012

  • Board member, Egyptian Cancer Network 2011

  • Invited speaker: Meet-the-Professor Session, Infectious Diseases Society of America(IDSA)

49th Annual Meeting, 2011

  • Session Chair, Clinical Trial-Part II, TM’s 1st World Drug Discovery online conference,


  • Member of the advisory council for Egypt Cancer Network, 201

  • Member of the Scientific Board, IN-Tech-Open Access Publisher, 2011

  • Editor in Chief. InTech- Open Access Publisher, 2011

  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Drug Metabolism & Toxicology, 2011

  • Member of the Editorial Board of International Scholarly Research Network

(ISRN) Pulmonology, 2011

  • Invited advisor to the Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Fateh University, Tripoli, Libya, 2010.

  • Member of the editorial board of the “Egyptian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences”,

  • Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, 2010

  • Reviewer for the National Institute of Health (NIH), 2009

  • Elected advisor. Multicultural Pharmacy Students Organization, University of Minnesota,

  • Duluth, 2008

  • Advisor for the PharmD 2012 class, College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota, Duluth,


  • Teacher of the Year, College of Pharmacy, Duluth, University of Minnesota, 2007-2008

  • Teacher of the Semester, College of Pharmacy, Duluth, University of Minnesota, Fall 2007

  • Member of the Scientific Review Program, Division of Extramural Activities, National

  • Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health (NIH),

  • Department of Health &Human Services, 2008

  • American College of Clinical Pharmacy/Aventis Pharmacotherapy Research Fellowship

  • (Infectious Diseases), 2002

  • Director of the continuing education and research committee - Saudi Pharmaceutical

Society, 1996

  • Membership in the Rho Chi Pharmaceutical Honorary Society, CA, USA, 1986

  • Graduate Students Fellowship, School of Pharmacy, University of the Pacific, 1985

  • Graduate Students Representative, School of Pharmacy, University of the Pacific, 1985

  • Oncology Project Grant for Pharmacy Students, the American Cancer Society, California, 1985



PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS: H Khayat MT, Zarka MA, El-Telbany DFA, El-Halawany AM, Kutbi HI, Elkhatib WF, Noreddin AM, Khayyat AN, El-Telbany RFA, Hammad SF, Abdel-Naim AB, Alolayan EM, Al-Sawahli MM. Intensification of resveratrol cytotoxicity, pro-apoptosis, oxidant potentials in human colorectal carcinoma HCT-116 cells using zein nanoparticles. Sci Rep.8;12(1):15235,2022.


  1. Gohar A, Ali AA, Elkhatib WF, El-Sayyad GS, Elfadil D, Noreddin AM, Combination therapy between prophylactic and therapeutic human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines with special emphasis on implementation of nanotechnology, Microb Pathog.171:105747,2022


  1. Al-Humaidi RB, Fayed B, Shakartalla SB, Jagal J, Jayakumar MN, Al Shareef ZM, Sharif SI, Noreddin A, Semreen MH, Omar HA, Haider M, Soliman S, Optimum Inhibition of MCF-7 breast cancer cells by efficient targeting of the micropinocytosis using optimizes paclitaxel-loaded nanoparticles, Life Sciences, 305, 120778,2022.


  1. Al-Humaidi RB, Fayed B, Sharif SI, Noreddin A, Soliman S. Role of Exosomes in Breast Cancer Management: Evidence-Based Review. Curr Cancer Drug Targets. 2021;21(8):666-675.2021.


  1. S Soliman, A Ibrahim, R Hamdy, A Noreddin. Small molecule inhibitors of fungal hyphae and biofilm formation.US Patent 11,292,776,2021.



  1. Hamed S, Elkhatib W, Khairalla A and Noreddin A. Global dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 clades and their relation to COVID-19 epidemiology, Nature Scientific Reports;11(1):8435, 2021.



  1. Ghobashy, M.M.Elkodous, M.A.Shabaka, S.H., Elkhatib W, Noreddin A, Nady, N.El-Sayyad, G.S.Mohamed D, Madani, Ali S. An overview of methods for production and detection of silver nanoparticles, with emphasis on their fate and toxicological effects on human, soil, and aquatic environment. Nanotechnology Reviews.10(1) :954–977,2021.



  1. Nyataya J, Waitumbi J, Mobegi VA, Noreddin A, El Zowalaty ME. Plasmodium falciparum Histidine-Rich Protein 2 and 3 Gene Deletions and Their Implications in Malaria Control.Diseases.20;8(2):E15,2020.


  1. Chauhan RP, Dessie ZG, Noreddin A, El Zowalaty ME. Systematic Review of Important Viral Diseases in Africa in Light of the 'One Health' Concept.Pathogens.9(4):301,2020.


  1. Salauddin M, Akter MR, Hossain MK, Nazir KHMNH, Noreddin A, El Zowalaty ME. Molecular Detection of Multidrug Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Bovine Mastitis Milk in Bangladesh.Vet Sci.7(2):E36,2020.


  1. Alam SB, Mahmud M, Akter R, Hasan M, Sobur A, Nazir KNH, Noreddin A, Rahman T, El Zowalaty ME, Rahman M. Molecular Detection of Multidrug Resistant Salmonella Species Isolated from Broiler Farm in Bangladesh.Pathogens.9(3):201,2020.



  1. Norouzi R, Ataei A, Hejazy M, Noreddin A, El Zowalaty ME. Scolicidal Effects of Nanoparticles Against Hydatid Cyst Protoscolices in vitro.Int J Nanomedicine.15:1095-1100,2020.



  1. Sobur A, Hasan M, Haque E, Mridul AI, Noreddin A, El Zowalaty ME, Rahman T. Molecular Detection and Antibiotyping of Multidrug-Resistant Salmonella Isolated from Houseflies in a Fish Market.Pathogens.8(4):191,2019.



  1. Islam MS, El Zowalaty ME, van Vliet AHM, Thakur S, Khatun MM, Saha S, Rahman MT, Noreddin A, Islam MA. First Genome Sequence of Brucella abortus Biovar 3 Strain BAU21/S4023, Isolated from a Dairy Cow in Bangladesh.Microbiol Resour Announc. 8(24):e00446-19,2019.


  1. El Ganzoury H, Ibrahim OM, Alkabbi A, Noreddin A, Soliman S. Early transition towards a computer-based examination system: The perceptions of senior university students inthe Middle East. Pharmacy Education, 19(1): 406 – 410,2019.


  1. Asante J, Noreddin A, El Zowalaty ME. Systematic Review of Important Bacterial Zoonoses in Africa in the Last Decade in Light of the 'One Health' Concept. 

Pathogens. 8(2),2019.


  1. Sobur A, Hasan M, Haque E, Mridul AI, Noreddin A, El Zowalaty ME, Rahman T. Molecular Detection and Antibiotyping of Multidrug-Resistant Salmonella Isolated from Houseflies in a Fish Market. Pathogens. 8(4),2019.


  1. Tolba MF, Omar HA, Hersi F, Nunes ACF, Noreddin AM. The impact of Catechol-O-methyl transferase knockdown on the cell proliferation of hormone-responsive cancers.Mol Cell Endocrinol.15;488:79-88,2019.


  1. Zhanel GG, Golden AR, Zelenitsky S, Wiebe K, Lawrence CK, Adam HJ, Idowu T, Domalaon R, Schweizer F, Zhanel MA, Lagacé-Wiens PRS, Walkty AJ, Noreddin A, Lynch Iii JP, Karlowsky JA. Cefiderocol: A Siderophore Cephalosporin with Activity Against Carbapenem-Resistant and Multidrug-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacilli.Drugs.79(3):271-289,2019.


  1. Islam MS, El Zowalaty ME, van Vliet AHM, Thakur S, Khatun MM, Saha S, Rahman MT, Noreddin A, Islam MA. First Genome Sequence of Brucella abortus Biovar 3 Strain BAU21/S4023, Isolated from a Dairy Cow in Bangladesh.Microbiol Resour Announc. 8(24),2019.


  1. Fanelli C, Noreddin A, nunes A.Chronic Kidney Disease: from Pathophysiology to Clinical Improvements, Inflammation in Nonimmune-Mediated Chronic Kidney,153,2018


  1. Soliman SSM, Alsaadi AI, Youssef EG, Khitrov G, Noreddin AM, Husseiny MI, Ibrahim AS.Calli Essential Oils Synergize with Lawsone against Multidrug-Resistant Pathogens.Molecules. 22(12), 2017.


  1. Soliman S, Alnajdy D, El-Keblawy AA, Mosa KA, Khoder G, Noreddin AM. Plants' Natural Products as Alternative Promising Anti-Candida Drugs.Pharmacogn Rev. 11(22):104-122, 2017.


  1. Zhanel GG, Parkinson K, Higgins S, Denisuik A, Adam H, Pitout J, Noreddin A, Karlowsky JA.Pharmacodynamic activity of fosfomycin simulating urinary concentrations achieved after a single 3-g oral dose versus Escherichia coli using an in vitro model.Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 88(3):271-275, 2017.


  1. El Zowalaty ME, Belkina T, Bahashwan SA, El Zowalaty AE, Tebbens JD, Abdel-Salam HA, Khalil AI, Daghriry SI, Gahtani MA, Madkhaly FM, Nohi NI, Khodari RH, Sharahili RM, Dagreery KA, Khormi M, Habibah SA, Medrba BA, Gahtani AA, Hifthi RY, Zaid JM, Amshan AW, Alneami AA, NoreddinA, Vlček J. Knowledge, awareness, and attitudes toward antibiotic use and antimicrobial resistance among Saudi population. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 38(50):126-8, 2016.


  1. Ansari WK, Parvej MS, El Zowalaty ME, Jackson S, Bustin SA, Ibrahim AK, ElZowalaty AE, Rahman MT, Zhang H, Khan MF, Ahamed MM, Rahman MF, Rahman M, Nazir KH, Ahmed S, Hossen ML, Kafi MA, Yamage M, Debnath NC, Ahmed G, Ashour HM, Masudur Rahman M, Noreddin A, Rahman MB. Surveillance, epidemiological, and virological detection of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza viruses in duck and poultry from Bangladesh. Vet Microbiol. 25(193): 49-59, 2016.


  1. Ali AM, Noreddin AM and Mahmoud MA. Helicobacter pylori Infection and

Its Potential Role in Childhood Eczema. J Immunol Tech Infect Dis 5:1; 1-5, 2016.


  1. Noreddin AM, Ndemo FA, and Ombengi DN. Medication Therapy Management (Editorial), J Pharma Care Health. 3(2): 1, 2016.


  1. Ombengi DN, Ndemo FA, Noreddin AM, and Harris WT. The Disease Burden and the Extent of Drug Therapy Problems in anUnderserved Minority Population Receiving Medication TherapyManagement at an Ambulatory Care Free Clinic. J Pharma Care Health. 3(2): 2-5, 2016.


  1. Ahmed GF, Elkhatib WF, and Noreddin AM. Inhibition of adhesion and invasion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 to A549 lung epithelial cells by some natural extracts. Journal of Infection and Public Health. (J Infect Public Health. 7(5): 436-44, 2014.


  1. Alrakaf S, Abdelmageed A, Kiersma M, Coulman SA, John DN, Tordoff J, Anderson C, NoreddinAM, Sainsbury E, Rose G, Smith L.An international validation study of two achievement goal measures on pharmacy education context. Adv Med Edu Pract. 27; 5:339-45, 2014.



  1. Elkhatib WF, and Noreddin AM. Efficacy of Ciprofloxacin-Clarithromycin Combination against Drug-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Mature Biofilm Using in Vitro Experimental Model. Microbial Drug Resistance. 20(6):575-82,2014.


  1. Elkhatib WF, and Noreddin AM.In Vitro Antibiofilm Efficacies of Different Antibiotic Combinations with Zinc Sulfate against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Recovered from Hospitalized Patients with Urinary Tract Infection. Antibiotics. 3: 64-84, 2014.


  1. Salem AH and Noreddin AM. Moxiflocacin in lower respiratory tract infections: in silico simulation of different bacterial resistance and drug exposure scenarios. Journal of Chemotherapy. J Chemother. 26(2):80-5, 2014.


  1. Salem AH, Zhanel GG, Ibrahim SA, Noreddin AM. A. Monte Carlo Simulation Analysis of Ceftobiprole, Dalbavanancin, Daptomycin, Tigecycline, Linezolide, and Vancomycin Pharmacodynamics Against ICU-Isolated MRSA. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 41(6):437-43,2014.


  1. Vera C. Campbell, Ayman M. Noreddin, David Ombengi, Wayne T. Harris, Ebony Andrews, Francis Ndemo, Neelam Azad, Anand Iyer, Corinne Ramaley, Johnson Deadre, Patricia L. Richards-Spruill, Marilyn Saulsbury. Calculations Across the Curriculum: An Innovative Approach to Improve Student’s Ability to Perform Pharmaceutical Calculations. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 77 (5): 109, 2013.


  1. Zhanel GG, Yachison C, Nichol K, Adam H, Noreddin AM, Hoban DJ, Karlowsky JA

Assessment of the activity of ceftaroline against clinical isolates of penicillin-intermediate and penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae with elevated MICs of ceftaroline using an in vitro pharmacodynamic model. J Antimicrob Chemother.67(7):1706-11, 2012.


  1. Noreddin AM, Elkhatib WF, Cunnion KG and Zhanel GG. Cumulative clinical experience from over a decade of use of levofloxacin in community-acquired pneumonia; critical appraisal and role in therapy", Drug, Healthcare and Patient Safety.3:59–68,2011.


  1. Salem A,Noreddin E, Zhanel G, Noreddin A. Comparative pharmacodynamics of ceftobiprole, daptomycin, linezolid, telavancin, tigecycline, and vancomycin in the treatment of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus: a monte Carlo simulation Analysis. J Vaccines. 2:5,2011.


  1. Zhanel GG, Rossnagel E, Nichol K, Cox L, Karlowsky JA, Zelenitsky S, Noreddin AM, Hoban DJ. Ceftaroline pharmacodynamic activity versus community-associated and healthcare-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, heteroresistant vancomycin-intermediate S. aureus, vancomycin-intermediate S. aureus and vancomycin-resistant S. aureus using an in vitro model.J Antimicrob Chemother.66(6):1301-5,2011.


  1. Ayman M. Noreddin and Walid F. ElKhatib Antibacterial Therapy in the Elderly. In: Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery.1:1-12,2010.


  1. Salem AH, Elkhatib WF, and Noreddin AM. Pharmacodynamic assessment of vancomycin–rifampicin combination against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus biofilm: a parametric response surface analysis. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 63:73-79,2010.


  1. Salem AH, Elkhatib WF, Ahmed GF, Noreddin AM.Pharmacodynamics of moxifloxacin versus vancomycin against biofilms of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and epidermidis in an in vitro model.J Chemother.22(4):238-42,2010


  1. Noreddin AM and Elkhatib WF. Levofloxacin in the Treatment of Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther.8(5):505-14,2010.


  1. Galal AM, Gul W, Noreddin AM, Slade D. An Update on the synthesis and antibacterial effects of Carbapenems. Recent Pat Antiinfect Drug Discov.5:23-42,2010.


  1. Noreddin AM and El-Khatib WF.Novel in vitro pharmacodynamic model simulating ofloxacin pharmacokinetics in the treatment ofPseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm-associatedinfections.Journal of Infection and Public Health.2:120-128,2009.


  1. El-Khatib WF and Noreddin AM. A new fluorogenic assay for monitoring and determining planktonic and biofilm forms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa viable count in vitro. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology. 17:304-314,2009.


  1. Zhanel GG, Voth D, Nichol K, Karlowsky JA, Noreddin AM, Hoban DJ. Pharmacodynamic activity of ceftobiprole compared with vancomycin versus methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus (VISA) and vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (VRSA) using an in vitro model. J Antimicrob Chemother.64(2):364-9,2009.


  1. Noreddin AM, El-Khatib WF, Aolie, J, Salem AH, and Zanel GG. Pharmacodynamic Target Attainment Potential of Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, and Telithromycin in Serum and Epithelial Lining Fluid (ELF) of Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) Patients with Penicillin-Susceptible, Intermediate, and Resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae. International Journal of Infectious Diseases.13(4):483-7.2009.


  1. El-Khatib WF, Haynes VL and Noreddin AM. Microbiological appraisal of levofloxacin activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm in combination with different calcium channel blockers.Journal of Chemotherapy. 21(2): 37-45,2009.


  1. El-Khatib WF and Noreddin AM. Novel Approach Against Central Venous Catheter-Associated Infection with Acinetobacter baumannii Biofilm.J.Med.Devices, 3(2): 027543-027543,2009.


  1. El-Khatib WF, Haynes VL and Noreddin AM. Unexpected induction of resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm to fluoroquinolone by diltiazem: A new perspective of microbiological drug-drug interaction. Journal of Infection and Public Health.1(1): 105-112,2008.


  1. Walid F. El-Khatib, Virginia Haynes and Ayman M. Noreddin. A high-throughput in vitro model illustrating potential microbiological interactions during treatment of Pseudomonas aeroginosa Biofilm associated infections. L. J.Med.Devices, 2(2):027535,2008.


  1. Zhanel GG, Lam A, Schweizer F, Thomson K, Walkty A, Rubinstein E, Gin AS, Hoban DJ, Noreddin AM, Karlowsky JA. Ceftobiprole: a review of a broad-spectrum and anti-MRSA cephalosporin. Am J Clin Dermatol.9(4):245-54,2008.


  1. Zhanel GG, Baudry P, Vashisht V, Laing N, Noreddin AM, Hoban DJ. Pharmacodynamic activity of ertapenem versus multidrug-resistant genotypically characterized extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli using an in vitro model. J Antimicrob Chemother. 61(3):643-6,2008.


  1. Noreddin AM, El-Khatib W, Haynes V. Optimal dosing design for antibiotic therapy in the elderly: a pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic perspective. Recent Patents Anti-Infect Drug Disc.3(1):45-52,2008.


  1. Zhanel GG, Baudry P, Vashisht V, Laing N, Noreddin AM, Hoban DJ. Pharmacodynamic activity of ertapenem versus multidrug-resistant genotypically characterized extended-spectrum {beta}-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli using an in vitro model.J Antimicrob Chemother. 58(1):144-7,2007.


  1. Noreddin AM, Reese A, Ostroski M, Hoban DJ, and Zhanel GG. Comparative Pharmacodynamics of Garenoxacin, Gemifloxacin, and Moxifloxacin against Streptococcus pneumoniae: Monte Carlo Simulation analysis. Clinical Therapeutics.29(12):2685-9,2007.


  1. Zhanel GG, Derkatch S, Laing N, Noreddin AM, Hoban DJ.

Pharmacodynamic activity of ertapenem versus penicillin-susceptible and penicillin-non-

susceptible Streptococcus pneumoniae using an in vitro model.J Antimicrob Chemother.



  1. Zhanel GG, Wiebe R, Dilay L, Thomson K, Rubinstein E, Hoban DJ, Noreddin AM,

Karlowsky JA.Comparative review of the carbapenems. Drugs.67(7):1027-52,2007.


  1. Noreddin AM and Haynes V. Use of Pharmacodynamic Principles to Optimise Dosing

Regimens for Antibacterial Agents in the Elderly. Drugs Aging.24(4):1-24,2007.


  1. Zhanel GG, Fontaine S, Adam H, Schurek K, Mayer M, Noreddin AM, Gin AS,

Rubinstein E, Hoban DJ. A Review. of New Fluoroquinolones: Focus on their Use in

Respiratory Tract Infections. Treat Respir Med.5(6):437-465,2006.


  1. Zhanel GG, Hisanaga TL, Laing NM, DeCorby MR, Nichol KA, Weshnoweski B, Johnson J, Noreddin A, Low DE, Karlowsky JA; for the NAUTICA Group; Hoban DJ. Antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli outpatient urinary isolates: final results from the North American Urinary Tract Infection Collaborative Alliance (NAUTICA). International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents.27(6):468-75,2006


  1. Zhanel GG, James J, Derkatch S, Laing N, Noreddin AM, Hoban DJ.Pharmacodynamic activity of garenoxacin against ciprofloxacin-resistant Streptococcuspneumoniae.International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents.58(1):112-6,2006.


  1. Zhanel GG, Hisanaga TL, Laing NM, DeCorby MR, Nichol KA, Palatnik LP, Johnson J, Noreddin A, Harding GK, Nicolle LE, Hoban DJ; NAUTICA Group. Antibiotic resistance in outpatient urinary isolates: Final results from the North American Urinary Tract Infection Collaborative Alliance (NAUTICA). International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents.26(5):380-8,2006.


  1. Noreddin AM, Haynes VL, and Zhanel GG.Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of the new Quinolones. Journal of Pharmacy Practice,18(6):1-12, 2005.


  1. Noreddin AM, Hoban DJ, and Zhanel GG. Comparison of Gatifloxacin and Levofloxacin Administered at Various Dosing Regimens toHospitalized Patients with Community-Acquired Pneumonia: Pharmacodynamic Target Attainment Study Using North American Surveillance Data for Streptococcus pneumonia.International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. 26(2):120-5, 2005.


  1. Zhanel GG, Johnson C, Noreddin A, Gin A, Vercaigne L, Hoban DJ.Ertapenem: review of a new carbapenem.Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther,3(1):23-39,2005.


  1. Noreddin A, Marras TK, Sanders K, Chan CK, Hoban DJ, and Zhanel G. Pharmacodynamic Target Attainment Analysis Against Streptococcus pneumoniae Using

Levofloxacin 500 mg, 750mg, and 1000mg Once Daily in Plasma (P) and Epithelial Lining

Fluid (ELF) of Hospitalized Patients with Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP).

International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents,24(5):479-484, 2004.


  1. Zhanel GG, Johnson C, Hisanaga T, Mendoza C, Laing N, Noreddin A, Wierzbowski A,

Hoban DJ Pharmacodynamic activity of telithromycin against macrolide-susceptible and

macrolide-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae simulating clinically achievable free serum and

epithelial lining fluid concentrations. J Antimicrob Chemother,54(6):1072-7. 2004.


  1. Smith HJ, Noreddin AM, Siemens CG, Schurek KN, Greisman J, Hoban DJ, and Zhanel GG. Designing Fluoroquinolone Breakpoints for Streptococcus pneumoniae Using Genetics

instead of Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics.Antimicrobial Agents and

Chemotherapy,48(9):3630-5, 2004.


  1. Schroth R, Hitchon C, Zacharias J, Uhanovaj J, Noreddin A, Tabacks P and Moffatt Hepatitis B vaccination for patients with chronic renal failure. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 3:CD003775, 2004.


  1. Zhanel GG, Homeniuk K, Nichol K, Noreddin A, Vercaigne L, Embil J, Gin A, and Hoban DJ. A critical review of the Glycylcyclines. Drugs, 64(1):63-88, 2004.


  1. Zhanel GG and Noreddin A, Fluoroquinolone AUIC Breakpoints and the Link to Bacterial Killing Rates: In vitro Models. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 37(9):1331-4, 2003.


  1. Zhanel GG, Laing NM, Nichol KA, Palatanick LP, Noreddin A, Hisanaga T, Johnson JL, The NAVRESS Group, and Hoban DJ Antibiotic Activity Against Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Isolates of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci (VRE): Results from the 2002 North American Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci Susceptibility Study (NAVRESS). J Antimicrob Chemother, 52(3):382-8, 2003.


  1. Zhanel GG, DeCorby M, Noreddin A, Mendoza C, Cumming A, Nichol K, Wierzbowski A and Hoban D Pharmacodynamic Activity of Azithromycin Against Macrolide-Susceptible and Macrolide-Resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae Simulating Clinically Achievable Free Serum, Epithelial Lining Fluid and Middle Ear Fluid Concentrations. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 52(1):83-8, 2003.


  1. Zhanel G, Walkty A, Nichol K, Smith H, Noreddin A and Hoban D Molecular Characterization of Fluoroquinolone Resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae Clinical Isolates Obtained from Across Canada. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 45(1):63-7, 2003.


  1. Noreddin A, Roberts D, Nickol K, Wierzbowski A, Hoban D and Zhanel G Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Clarithromycin Against Macrolide-Resistant (PCR positive mefA or ermB) Streptococcus pneumoniae Simulating Clinically Achievable Free Drug Serum and Epithelial Lining Fluid Concentrations. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 46(12): 4029-34, 2002.


  1. Zhanel G, Walters M, Noreddin A, Vercaigne L, Wierzbowski A, Embil J, Gin A., and Hoban D The Ketolides: A Critical Review. Drugs, 62(12): 1771-804, 2002.


  1. Zhanel G, Roberts D, Walkty A, Laing N, Nichol K, Smith H, Noreddin A, Bellyou T, and Hoban D Pharmacodynamic Activity of Fluoroquinolones Against Ciprofloxacin-Resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 49(5): 807-12, 2002.


  1. Zhanel G.G and Noreddin APharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of the new fluoroquinolones: focus on respiratory infections. (review) Current Opinion in Pharmacology, 1:459- 463, 2001.


  1. Sherif S, Najjar T, Noreddin A, and Al- Rikabi AC Effects of Gemcitabine on the Cisplatin-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Rats: Schedule Dependent Study. Pharmacol Res, 43(2): 193-198, 2001.


  1. Heweidys, Kenlawi R and Noreddin A Evaluation of Total Serum Prostatic Specific Antigen in Chronic Prostatitis and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Patients. Journal of Pan-Arab League of Dermatologists, 10(3): 155-160, 1999.


  1. Noreddin A, Al-Khamis, Bawazir S, Ibrahim S, Al-Najjar T and Al-Hassan M Effect of Clinical Pharmacy Pharmacokinetics Consultation Service on the Use of Gentamicin Serum Levels at a University Hospital. Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo University, 36(1): 81-84, 1998.


  1. Ibrahim O, Bawazir S, Al-Khamis KH, Al-Yamani M and Noreddin A Evaluation of the Frequency of Digoxin Drug-Related Orders and Clinical Pharmacy Impact at a Teaching Hospital. Alexandria Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, 11(2): 85-90, 1997.


  1. Heweidy S, Salem H and Noreddin A Hirsutism: A Clinical, Ultrasonographic and Hormonal Study. African Journal of Dermatology, 9(3): 87-93, 1996.


  1. Noreddin A Pharmacist and patient education of inhaler technique. Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo University, 34(1): 159-61,1996.


  1. Al-Hedaithy, and Noreddin A Hypersensitivity anaphylactoid reaction to pefloxacin in a patient with AIDs. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 30(6): 612-14,1996.


  1. Al-Dhawailie A, Al-Rayes S, Al-Haidry M, Najjar T, and Noreddin A A survey of surgical antibiotic prophylaxis in Al-Sulimania Clinic Riyadh, Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 3(4), 1995.


  1. Moustafa H, El-Mallakh B, Noreddin A and Al-Khamis K Extending the longevity of temporary soft-liners: investigating a technique, Cairo Dental Journal, 11(2): 139-143, 1995.


  1. Noreddin A, El-Salmawy A, Mansour L, Hewedy E, and Al-Dhawailie A Vitiligo: an added risk factor to aminoglycosides ototoxicity, Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 3(1-2): 36-40, 1995.


  1. Noreddin A, El-Salmawy A, and Noreddin AM Effectiveness of intranasal sodium cromoglycate 2% in catarrhal children: Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 2(1-2): 31-35, 1995.


  1. Noreddin A, Torti F, Al-Dhowailie A and Ibrahim O Experience with recombinant tumor necrosis factor (rTNF) administered as a continuous infusion to cancer patients. Drugs and poisons: uses and hazards symposium, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, June 1994.


  1. Hewedy E, Noreddin A, El-Salmawy A, Noreddin AM and Atlam S Study of the relationship between pityriasis Alba, iron deficiency and atopy. Tanta Medical Journal, 22 (1): 1-12, 1994.


  1. Hamdy M, Barakat M, Roushdy H, and Noreldin A Effect of sex hormones on plasma lipids as influenced by different dose levels of radiation. Al-Azhar University Pharmaceutical Journal, 1(2): 71-84, 1984.




  1. Camilla Fanelli, Ayman Noreddin and Ane Nunes. Inflammation in Nonimmune-Mediated Chronic Kidney Disease, “Chronic Kidney Disease - from Pathophysiology to Clinical Improvements”, InTech open access publisher, Feb 2018.


  1. Ghada F. Ahmed and Ayman M. Noreddin. Application of Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) in Designing Effective Antibiotic Treatment Regimens, "Readings in Advanced Pharmacokinetics - Theory, Methods and Applications", InTech open access publisher.2012.


  1. Daniel Lexcen, Ahemd Salem, Walid El-khatib, Virginia Haynes and Ayman Noreddin, Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) modeling of anti-neoplastic agents, "Readings in Advanced Pharmacokinetics - Theory, Methods and Applications", InTech open access publisher.2012.


  1. Ayman M. Noreddin, Ghada F. Ahmed, Walid F. Elkhatib, Ehab M. Noreddin, and Atef M. Shibl. Inhibition of Adhesion and Invasion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to Lung Epithelial Cells: A model of Cystic Fibrosis infection", Lung Diseases, InTech open access publisher.2011.


  1. Ayman M. Noreddin and Walid F. ElKhatib Antibacterial Therapy in the Elderly. In: Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery, Bentham Science Publishers Ltd, 2010.


  1. George G. Zhanel and Ayman M. Noreddin Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of

the New Generation Quinolones. In: Recent Advances in Antimicrobial Agents and

Chemotherapy, Global reviews, 2004.


  1. Zhanel G and Noreddin A. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) of Fluoroquinolones: Tools for Combating Bacteria and Preventing Resistance. In: The Quinolones: An Unfolding Story. (Biosciences (Milestones in Drug Therapy), Birkhauser, Verlag AG, Basel, Switzerland, 2003.





1983-2019: Numerous national and international scientific and professional presentations





Grants Reviews:

  • National Institute of Health

  • Qatar National Research Foundation, Qatar Foundation

  • Research and Training committee grant reviewing, St. Mary’s Duluth Clinic Hospital.

  • Minnesota Futures Grant Program, Office of the Vice President for Research, University of


  • Faculty Research Development Program, Academic Health Center, University of Minnesota

  • King Abdul-Aziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) Mini-Grants Program


Journal and Book Chapters Reviews:

  • Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy

  • Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning

  • Clinical Drug Investigation

  • International Journal of Nanomedicine

  • Infection and Drug Resistance

  • Biomed Central (BMC) Infectious Diseases

  • Journal of Drug Design, Development and Therapy

  • International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

  • Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs

  • Drug Adis Drug Evaluation

  • Future Medicine Journal- Aging Health

  • The Annals of Pharmacotherapy

  • Pharmacotherapy Essentials, McGraw-Hill

  • Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

  • Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy

  • International Journal of Medical Sciences


NIH Grant Reviewer:


-Reviewer for the National Institute of Health (NIH), special session: “Drug Discovery and

Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Resistance (DDR)”, Feb 2017

-Reviewer for the National Institute of Health (NIH), special session: “Drug Discovery and

Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Resistance (DDR)”, June 2015

-Reviewer for the National Institute of Health (NIH), special session:” Pharmacological

Approached to Evaluating Drug Regimens to Address Antimicrobial Resistance”, January 2014

-Reviewer for the National Institute of Health, RFA-AI-07-025, NIH Scientific Review Program, Division of Extramural Activities, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious DiseasesNational Institutes of Health, Department of Health & Human Services, “Pharmacological Approaches to Combating Antimicrobial Resistance” February 2008





Principal Investigator: Targeting breast cancer by novel exosome-based formulations of Anastrozole. Collaborative grant. The University of Sharjah, (200,000ADH), 2018.


Principle Investigator: A Novel Antibiofilm Formulation to Treat Combat-Related Wound Infections, W81XWH-17-JPC-2/MIDRP-ARA. ($ 2M), 2017.


Co-investigator: Design of novel cationic, amphipathic cellulose-based Nano biomaterials from agricultural residues for Drug Delivery: Application in the Treatment of Multi-Drug Resistant Planktonic and/or Biofilm-Embedded Bacteria. Academy of Scientific Research and Technology. ($100 K), July 2016.


Co-investigator: “Quorum Quenching Enzymes: New Trend in Antimicrobial treatment: JESOR program, Academy of Science Research and Technology, Egypt. 2015 ($60,000).


Principal Investigator: “Providing Medication Management Services”, Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia, 2013 ($4,800)


Principal investigator: “Innovative technologies to effectively treat multi-drug resistant and/or biofilm-embedded bacteria “, Innovative Surface Technologies, Inc. (ISurTec), National Institute of Health (NIH)/SBIR. Grant number: 1R43GM093398-01A1, 2010-2012 ($40,000)


Co-investigator: “Collaborative Pilot Study: Evaluating the efficacy of the Drug Information Database System at Hampton University School of Pharmacy”, Hampton University Faculty Institute Grant, 2010($5,200)


Co-Investigator: “Relationship of MIC and AUC/MIC to vancomycin efficacy for treatment of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia”, Whiteside Clinical Research Institute, 2008-2009 ($14,500)


Principal Investigator: “A dynamic model of bio-film infected Cystic Fibrosis lung epithelial cells”, Grant-In-AID of research, Artistry, and Scholarship (Category 6, University of Minnesota 2007-2009 ($29,200)


Principal Investigator: “High throughput and in vitro modeling strategies vs. catheter biofilms in elderly patients with complicated urinary tract infections “, Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacist, 2007-2008 ($15,000)


Principal Investigator: “Target Attainment Potential Study of Fluoroquinolones versus Resistant Strains of Streptococcuc pneumoniae” Schering Plough, 2007-2008 ($24,000)


Principal Investigator: “Pharmacodynamic Profiling of Moxifloxacin and Comparators versus Susceptible and Genetically Characterized resistant strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Monte Carlo Simulation Analysis”. Schering Plough, 2006-2007 ($39,100)

Principal Investigator: “Study of the Pharmacodynamic Activity of the New Respiratory Quinolones against Ciprofloxacin Resistant Mutants of Streptococcus pneumoniae”, Grant-In-AID of Research, Artistry, and Scholarship (Category I), University of Minnesota2006-2008 ($28,000)

Principal Investigator: “Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy Instrument”, Grant-In-Aid Program (Category II), University of Minnesota, 2005 ($38,000)


Recipient: “Establishment of Clinical Pharmacology Research Laboratory with LC-MS instrument as the major component of Drug Metabolites, hormones, and other sophisticated assays”.Shimadzu Equipment Grants for Research, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments. , 2005 ($51,000)


Principal Investigator: “Assessment of Moxifloxacin ability to eradicate and prevent the development of Streptococcus pneumoniae resistance: Clinical simulation and Monte Carlo analysis”. Whiteside Institute for Clinical Research, St.Luke’s Hospital, 2005-2006 ($10.000)


Principal Investigator: “Target Attainment Analysis for Gatifloxacin 400 Daily in Immunocompetent Elderly and Immunocompromised Patients Hospitalized with Community-Acquired Pneumonia”.

Bristol Meyers Squibb, 2002-2003 ($12,000)


Co-Investigator: “Simulation of Levofloxacin pharmacokinetics in patients with community-acquired pneumonia”.

Ortho McNeil, 2001-2002 ($22,000)


Co-investigator: “Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic modeling of various Nitrofurantoin formulations versus selected urinary tract isolates. “Procter and Gamble, 2000-2002 ($160.000)


Co-investigator: “Pharmacodynamic modeling of Macrolides/ Ketolides against macrolide-resistant S.pneumoniae”. ABBOTT Laboratories, 2000-2001 ($50.000)


UOS Ref.: UOS-006/2019

Small Molecule Inhibitors of Fungal Hyphae and Biofilm Formation

The Patent Application holds registration number is: 16/711,839. The filing date: 12 December 2019.




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