Wednesday, 12 February 2025

History of ACU


The idea of establishing Al-Ahram Canadian University was first proposed by the renewed journalist, writer, and the former chairman of Al-Ahram Board of Directors, Prof. Ibrahim Nafie. The objective of its establishment has been to establish an educational edifice aiming at achieving impressive success. Indeed, Al-Ahram Canadian University, a non-profit accredited educational institution affiliated by Al- Ahram Establishment [Al-Ahram Egyptian Daily Newspaper] under the presidential Decree No. 393 (2004), was founded in 2005. Ahram Canadian University offers distinguished programs that meet the needs of the national and regional communities. It also conducts creative and innovative research in cooperation with regional and international organizations.
Historically, ACU started its educational mission with the opening of four faculties: The Faculty of Pharmacy, the Faculty of Business Administration, the Faculty of Mass Communication, and the Faculty of Computer Sciences and Information Technology. In 2013, the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine was officially opened followed by the Faculty of Engineering in 2014. The present chairman of Al-Ahram Board of Directors, Mr. Abdel Mohsen Salma, decided to inaugurate three new Faculties: The Faculty of Physiotherapy, the Faculty of Design and Innovative Arts and the Faculty of Languages and Translation in 2019. This has been an authentic contribution carried out under the auspices of Mr. Salma to positively contribute to community services and to prepare graduates for fulfilling careers in diverse fields meeting the demands of a fast-changing global world.
Thus, currently, ACU includes nine Faculties: the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Faculty of Business Administration, the Faculty of Computer Sciences and Information Technology, the Faculty of Mass Communication, the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Physiotherapy, the Faculty of Design and Innovative Arts and the Faculty of Languages and Translation. The university also runs specialized centers including Center of Excellence, the Educational Center of Dental Medicine, Center of Media Studies, Research Center for Administrative and Economic Studies, Research Center and Consultancy in Information Technology and Consultancy Center in Pharmaceutical Services.
The Faculty of Pharmacy and that of Mass Media take pride in being nationally accredited faculties in 2019 and 2021 successively by the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education. Significantly, both faculties have launched this year [2021-2022 Academic Year] Postgraduate Programs to enhance the students’ competitive spirit boosting independent scientific research considering international demands as well as national community needs. ACU seeks in the near future to establish a number of new faculties: The Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Nursing and the Faculty of Biotechnology to cope with the demands of the labor market and that of Egypt’s 2030 Vision.
For A Better Future


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